What’s Actually Running Through My Head When I Film My Own Instagram Reels

I’ve made hundreds of Instagram Reels for my clients, but… filming myself is a different matter.

Before I share too much, and in case you only get this far, know this: 

After posting videos for my business online, only good things have happened as a result!

My videos start conversations, and I do think genuinely they help some folks learn something new, too. And this is all true, no matter how much I don't love seeing (or hearing) myself on camera. 

Being on camera is not new for me. I’ve filmed videos before, usually with my brother Jacob (he is the creative director at his own biz,
JKC Video). I’ve been very spoiled in the sense that I show up at the studio looking my best with a script and Jacob and his team take care of the rest (set, lighting, sound, multiple cameras, my shiny face, snacks, stuff I’m not even aware of, etc.). 

But I have really been wanting to film my own Instagram Reels.

So a couple months ago, I did. I filmed and posted a Reel, and I thought, the quality is ok (I have an iPhone 15 Pro, which I *specifically* got for the camera upgrade). However, I’m a marketing professional, and I figured I needed to level up a bit. 

Here’s what I wanted to accomplish: 

  • I wanted my videos to be better than just okay, and yet something less than a full fledged studio filming day. 

  • I needed to be able to do it by myself if I wanted Reel creation to be a sustainable marketing activity. 

    After some research, I decided to get
    a RØDE mic with the hopes of improving the sound. And for the video, my phone camera is amazing, but the main camera (the non-selfie side of the camera) is so much better. I decided to use a program called Camo, which allows me to use the main camera on my phone while I view the video on my computer (so I can make sure I’m in frame, my hair isn’t too crazy, etc.). 

    FWIW, you do NOT need to do anything this complicated. If buying a mic and other accessories is what is holding you back from filming Reels, give yourself permission to use only your phone! That’s how most folks do it and it is 100% enough for your audience to get to know you. There’s a reason why so many successful creators film videos in the car, on the couch, in bed, doing their makeup in the bathroom, etc. It feels more intimate and real. So just use your phone to make your IG Reels!

    Anyway. I am not a tech whiz. At first, these components were a lot for me to juggle. And my first afternoon of filming was a bust! I had to do a bunch of takes for just one Reel, and it was about 4:30pm, so the sun set behind me and the light changed way faster than I anticipated. Then I accidentally recorded videos with some lines over my face. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

    I was so frustrated. But I kept practicing in the following days, and soon enough I had the nuances of my tech figured out.  

    Here are a few more thoughts/observations I had during this process: 

  • I outline my Reels and even script certain parts. I want to make sure I’m saying everything I want to. I practice a bit so I know how the words will flow. And then I’m easy on myself and do short takes or multiple takes to get a clip I’m good with. 

  • Before filming, I tamed my hair and put on some makeup. I looked at myself and thought… hmm. Maybe my face needs more… dimension? Should I learn about contouring?! But I don’t want to be so made up on camera that I’m unrecognizable in person! Oh well. So I stuck with my basic makeup look. 

  • I chose a few outfits. One was this colorful flannel that I thought made me look relaxed and kinda cool. But it actually looked very blocky/not great on camera, so I nixed it. I chose a few shirts better suited for filming, and decided to try and film a couple of reels in each one, with the intention of posting the Reels spaced apart. 

  • For Instagram Reels, you’ve only got 90 seconds. Even though I practiced/timed myself in advance, sometimes my Reels were too long and I redid them because they wouldn’t make sense if I just cut out a part. (I’m already getting better at this.) 

  • Then it was time to edit the footage and post. I use the video editor right in Instagram to edit, and this editor has gotten SO MUCH better in more recent Instagram updates, FYI. I added captions, and a few GIF stickers where it made sense.

  • I’m so lucky to have so many cheerleaders in my corner who share very encouraging feedback. Even though posting videos of myself talking online is not new for me, I still felt so self conscious… About my expressions, being so close to the camera, the funny way I say certain words... But whatever! This is what people see when they see me anyway. Only good things have happened when I’ve posted videos before, despite flaws and all. 

  • There are moments when I’m in flow and and this entire process feels very fun. I get a lot of energy from creating! You might, too.  

    Alrighty. This is a little long, but I’ve got a lot to say about marketing. If you haven’t made IG Reels yet, I hope you’ll give it a try soon. And if you already have some experience creating Reels, I hope you include Reels in your marketing plan this year! 


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